What makes CrossFit Smithtown different compared to other CrossFit gyms?
The Experience. We take pride in our customer service and our coaches. We can also guarantee that there’s no other community like ours. The community welcomes everyone with open arms and a smile. We focus on correct form without a focus on the weight lifted for all beginners to learn how to correctly move and perform the correct movement standards.
I’ve never done CrossFit before, what can I expect?
You can expect your first class to be free! We want you to experience a regular class with the support of the community. No need to worry about your workout either. You’re going to learn the basics of every workout every time you step through our doors. All workouts can be scaled to fit your ability level and encourage you to push yourself at your own pace. No need to workout at lightning fast speed your first day. We just ask for your best effort.
Do I need to be in shape for CrossFit first?
No everyone all starts somewhere. We all have different strengths, weaknesses, goals, and dreams. We help you develop your strengths, conquer your weaknesses, and to help achieve your fitness goals while learning and having fun.
I’ve done CrossFit before,
but I had a bad experience.
We’re really sorry that you had a bad experience. Come see why we are different and take a class on us!
Can I get hurt doing CrossFit?
Any physical activity has risks. We take safety extremely seriously. If we don’t think you’re ready to attempt a specific movement, we’re going to find something that works for you so you can still get a great workout in. If you’re doing something wrong, our job as coaches are to correct your movement. It’s not always about lifting heavy weight either. We can’t have you “lift heavy” with bad technique. That’s not smart for our bodies, and that’s not smart coaching if it’s allowed.
Why is CrossFit expensive?
It’s actually not. It’s cheaper than any personal trainer that you’ve ever had. You have access to equipment, professional workouts that can be scaled for all levels, a free online workout log, and a direct line to a coach at anytime. It’s a best case scenario!
I want to join CrossFit Smithtown, but I don’t want to be a in contract.
Great! We don’t want you to be in a contract either! We believe in flexible freedom if you need it when “life” happens. We offer month-to-month Auto-Renewal on the 1st of each month, and we prorate your membership if it’s a few days after or a few days before.
I’m a parent, do you allow children in the gym?
The majority of our members are parents who love to work hard and be fit. We allow them to bring their children because we want them to see what Mom and Dad do! It’s important. Most children are in strollers and the ones who are not are asked to hang out in our office. We also want them to be safe.
Do you have social media?
Of course! We encourage anyone to follow us on Instagram (@cfsmithtown) & Facebook for the latest news for what’s going on inside CrossFit Smithtown and if you have interest in joining us!